Other publicacions

  • Aguiló,I. Calvo,T. , Martin, J., Mayor, G., Suñer, J.. , "On distances derived from symmetric difference functions", Advanced in Intelligent System Research.. Netherlands, 2015. Book chapter.
  • Aguiló, I.; Suñer, J.; Torrens, J.. , "N-contrapositivisation of fuzzy implication functions.", Advances in Inteligent Systems Research Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Spain, 2015. Book chapter.
  • Baczynski, M.; Jayaram, B.; Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "Fuzzy Implications: past, present and future" [Publicació online], Handbook of Computational Intelligence. Germany, 2015. Book chapter.
  • Baczynski, M.; Jayaram, B.; Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "Fuzzy implication functions: past, present and future", Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence. J. Kacprzyk and W. Pedrycz (Editors).. Germany, 2015. Book chapter.
  • Bibiloni, P.; González-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.. , "Retinal vessel detection based on fuzzy morphological line enhancement" [Publicació online], Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Switzerland, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Bibiloni, P.; González-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.. , "Vessel Segmentation of Retinal Images with Fuzzy Morphology" [Publicació online], Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing V. United Kingdom, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • González-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.; Mir, A.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.. , "On the pair uninorm-implication in the morphological gradient" [Publicació online], Computational Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence). Germany, 2015. Book chapter.
  • González-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.; Mir, A.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.. , "On the Generalization of the Uninorm Morphological Gradient" [Publicació online], Advances in Computational Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Switzerland, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • González-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.; Mir, A.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.. , "On the Generalization of the Fuzzy Morphological Operators for Edge Detection" [Publicació online], Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (IFSA-EUSFLAT). Spain, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Gonzalez-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.; Mir, A.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.. , "On the Weighted Arithmetic Mean Fuzzy Filter" [Publicació online], Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Turkey, 2015. Book chapter.
  • López-Fuentes, L.; Oliver, G.; Massanet, S. , "Revisiting Image Vignetting Correction by Constrained Minimization of Log-Intensity Entropy" [Publicació online], Advances in Computational Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Spain, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Mas, M.; Monserrat, M.; Riera, J.V.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.; Torrens, J.. , "RU-implicaciones en procesos de inferencia borrosa" [Publicació online], Actas de la XVI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial. Spain, 2015. Book chapter.
  • Mas, M.; Monserrat, M.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.; Torrens, J.. , "Residual implications derived from uninorms satisfying Modus Ponens" [Publicació online], Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Spain, 2015. Book chapter.
  • Massanet, S.; Riera, J.V.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.. , "On (OP)-polynomial implications" [Publicació online], Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (IFSA-EUSFLAT). Spain, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Massanet, S.; Riera, J.V.; Torrens, J; Herrera-Viedma, E. , "A Consensus model for group decision-making problems with subjective linguistic preference relations" [Publicació online], Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). Turkey, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Massanet, S.; Riera, J.V.; Torrens, J.; Herrera-Viedma, E.. , "Subjective linguistic preference relations and their application in group decision making" [Publicació online], Proc. of the 8th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators (AGOP). Poland, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Massanet, S.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.; Torrens, J.. , "Implications satisfying the law of importation with a given uninorm revisited" [Publicació online], Proc. of 8th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators (AGOP). Poland, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Massanet, S.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.; Torrens, J.. , "Defining Copulas From Fuzzy Implications Functions" [Publicació online], Proc. of the 8th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators (AGOP). Poland, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Massanet, S.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.; Torrens, J.. , "Cópulas definidas a partir de funciones de implicación borrosas" [Publicació online], Actas de la XVI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial. Spain, 2015. Minutes of congress.
  • Calvo, T.; Mayor, G.; Suñer, J.. , "Globally Monotone Extended Aggreagtion Functions", Enric Trillas: A Passion for Fuzzy Sets. Germany, 2015. Book chapter.